Creative Writing

Yasmin Zaher and Justin Taylor Named in The New York Times 100 Notable Books of 2024 List

The New York Times released their 100 Notable Books of 2024 List last week and two New School MFA alumni were notably featured on the list. Yasmin Zaher (Fiction ‘18), author of The Coin (Catapult), along with Justin Taylor (Fiction ‘07), author of Reboot (Pantheon).

The Coin is a bold and unabashed novel about a young Palestinian woman’s unraveling, far from home, as she gets caught up in a scheme reselling Birkin bags. Yasmin is a Palestinian journalist and writer. Her journalism has appeared in Al-Monitor, Haaretz, and Times of Israel. Read The Coin here!

Reboot is a raucous and wickedly smart satire of Hollywood, toxic fandom, and our chronically online culture, following a washed-up actor on his quest to revive the cult TV show that catapulted him to teenage fame. Justin is the author of the memoir Riding with the Ghost, the novel The Gospel of Anarchy, and two collections of short fiction: Everything Here Is the Best Thing Ever and Flings. His work has appeared in The New Yorker, Harper’s, Bomb, and Bookforum, among other publications. He has taught writing at the graduate and undergraduate level in programs all over the country, including Columbia University, N.Y.U., the University of Southern Mississippi, and the University of Montana. He is a contributing writer to the Washington Post’s Book World, and the Director of the Sewanee School of Letters. Read Reboot here!

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