Creative Writing

Jason Reynolds Launches New Book, Twenty-Four Seconds From Now… 

Firsts are a big deal, especially for Neon and Aria. They’re in love, and it all leads to one very big moment… if Neon can just get out of his own way. 

On Wednesday, October 9, Jason Reynolds visited the New School for the launch of his new YA title, Twenty-Four Seconds from Now…. The event was created in partnership with iconic local children’s bookstore, Books of Wonder. 

During the event, Reynold’s spoke directly to the audience, sharing insight into the way his personal experiences and those of his friends helped shape the narrative. Later he took center stage, performing the opening chapter monologue to a rapt audience. After a dynamic Q&A session, Reynolds signed books and met with New School WFCYA students and members of the public. 

About the Book: Twenty-four months ago: Neon gets chased by a dog all around the church parking lot. A moment he would have loved to forget if it weren’t for the dog’s owner: Aria. Dressed in sweats, a t-shirt, hair in a ponytail. Way more than fine. Twenty-four weeks ago: Neon’s dad insists on talking to him about tenderness and intimacy. Neon and Aria are definitely in love, and while they haven’t taken that next big step… yet, they’ve started talking about… that. Twenty-four days ago: Neon’s mom finds her — gulp — bra in his room. Hey! No judging! Those hook thingies are complicated! So he’d figured he’d better practice. Twenty-four minutes ago: Neon leaves his shift at work, making sure to bring chicken tenders for Aria. They’re definitely not caviar, but they are her favorite. And right this second? Neon is locked in Aria’s bathroom, completely freaking out because twenty-four seconds from now he and Aria are about to…about to… Well, they won’t do anything if he can’t get out of his own head (all the advice, insecurities, and what ifs) and out of this bathroom!

Read the book here.

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