No Gender: Reflections on the Life & Work of Kari Edwards
No Gender: Reflections on the Life & Work of Kari Edwards edited by E.T. Grinnell, J.T. Brolaski & Erica Kaufman, graduate, the MFA in Creative Writing at The New School.
Litmus Press/Belladonna Books, 2009
Small Press Distribution: “kari’s authorial ‘signature’ undoes the authorial body in favor of a visible obfuscation-strikethru: kari never just signed, but rather crossed out hir name and wrote ‘NO GENDER.’ The erasure—well no, the palimpsestic remaking of the name into a symbol for the dismantling of enforced gender codes is a profound and provocative gesture—the name is still visible behind the NO GENDER, as if behind bars … kari’s genius moved others to their own words, art, action—following a mandate of reclaiming the very words we speak and write—writing our selves, our other(ed) bodies, into a foundational post-gender post-genre state. This book is the start of what hopefully will be a much longer conversation—from the introduction by Julian T. Brolaski & erica kaufman. Venn Diagram Productions is the collaborative intersection between Belladonna Books and Litmus Press. This imprint actualizes our mutual commitment to publishing innovative, cross-genre, multicultural, feminist and queer work by writers and artists working beyond and between borders.”